The National PSM Technical Working Group (TWG) Last Quarter Meeting
The National PSM Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting for the last quarter of 2017 was held on Thursday 7th December, 2018 at the Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja.
Key national stakeholders present include; GHSC-PSM, UNFPA, CRS, NMEP, FHI360, NASCP, NACA, NTD, IHVN, ARFH, Howard University, FH and HSCL with the NSCIP playing secretariat as usual.
Issues discussed summarily include;
1. Inter-ministerial/agency collaboration especially regards issuance of commodity waivers
2. Operational modalities of FCMS Oshodi and premier medical warehouses of Abuja & Lagos.
3. Active participation of members of the National Warehousing Advisory Committee (NWAC).
4. Discuss on National Stock Status Report (NSSR) and other PSM issues with time scaled solutions.
5. NSCIP fourth quarter updates