Intergrated National Stock Status Report (INSSR) and Validation, Quarter 3 2021

The Quarter 3 Intergrated National Stock Status Report (INSSR) and Validation, which held in Keffi, Nasarawa state, from Wednesday 1st December to Saturday 4th December 2021. National programs (ATMHRV)
This activity was carried out by NPSCMP with the support of RSSH 2 – National Agency For The Control of AIDS (NACA)
The outcome of this workshop will form the final output of the National PSM TWG meeting.
The Goals and Objectives of this workshop aim at achieving the following:
⦁ To validate and finalize Quarter 1 2021 Integrated National Stock Status Reports (INSSR)
⦁ To have a visibility of commodity flow and ensure timely procurement through a strengthened control tower system
⦁ Reviewing stock situation across five public Health Program in-country
⦁ Assessing quality of data (in regard to timeliness and completeness) and identify challenges
Below are success stories attributed to the Q3 2021 Workshop.
1. Immunization Programme
⦁ Deployment of Covid-19 vaccine module in open LMIS for Nigeria Immunization Supply Chain at the                   National, Zonal and State levels. The linking of the Open LMIS to NHLMIS is on halt until the Open                     LMIS is functionally developed.
2. Reproductive Health Programme
⦁ Minimized stock out rate
⦁ Reduced rate of expiries
⦁ Prompt response to issues of supply chain
3. Malaria Programme
⦁ 21,745 TCs (869 Packs) of AA2 have been redistributed to Ondo, Bauch and Gombe prisons on 19th ,                   14th and 15th September, 2021 respectively
⦁ 17,200 TCs (688 Packs) of AA4 have been redistributed to Bauchi and Gombe prisons on 14th and 15th                 of September, 2021 respectively
⦁ Prompt attention to perceived potential write off of some peadiatric medicines
⦁ Better collaborative relationship between TB SLO and their LMCUs.
⦁ Conducted iMSSVs with the support of NSPSCMP and other IPs
⦁ With the support of PMI-S, SMEP involves LMCU in conducting monthly Malaria Data Validation                          Meetings at the LGAs.
⦁ Received 2,060,000 pieces of ITNs on behalf of SMEP preparatory to Mass Replacement Campaign.

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